Developer Renovator Network

Making Big Profits from Dual-Occs in Today’s Property Market!

Making Big Profits from Dual-Occs in Today’s Property Market!


September 18, 2024


06:30 PM

Making Big Profits from Dual-Occs in Today’s Property Market!

One of the fastest ways to supercharge your property portfolio is to take the step into property development… and a great first step could be a simple “dual occupancy” development.


A dual occupancy development involves building two dwellings on one allotment which can often be subdivided and sold off separately.


The NSW Government recently enacted new rules that permit dual occupancies on most land in R2 low density residential zones across the State – creating HUGE opportunities for small developers.


At our next meetup, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from an expert who will share her knowledge on how to make 6-figure profits from dual occupancy developments – and the pitfalls to avoid!


RSVP to attend… 


Making Big Profits from Dual-Occs in Today’s Property Market


Our guest speaker Joanne Hands will be sharing the following vital information on how to make money constructing a duplex.


  • 7 critical things you need to know to avoid buying a lemon when choosing your land.

  • How to spot a dud builder – the exact questions you need to ask.

  • The most important question you can ask a builder to ensure they will deliver quality. If they answer this incorrectly… you walk away!

  • How much capital you need to get started with a dual occupancy development.

  • How to keep your builder on time and on budget.

  • Real life dual-occ case studies demonstrating how 6-figure profits can be make in a matter of months!


About Joanne Hands


Over the past decade, Joanne has managed over 100 small developments including granny flats, single builds, dual occupancies, duplex and triplex sites, subdivision and renovation.


Joanne has extensive experience in all facets of property development – from early feasibility, design, approvals, and documentation through to delivery.


As director of Symbion Property, her focus is helping her clients achieve significant profits through affordable property developments.


PLUS Joanne will step through one of her real property deals demonstrating how she was able to make $252,000 profit from a building a duplex in 16 months.  


Don’t miss this meetup RSVP NOW:





-> Can I bring someone else along?


Yes, you are welcome to bring anyone who is interested in property investing, renovating, developing – it’s all about learning and networking with like-minded investors.  Please ask them to RSVP so that we know how many people are coming.


-> What are you selling?


Nothing, these meetups are all about learning and networking with like-minded people.


I look forward to seeing you at the meetup


– Glenn

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